With God: The Garden

Dare to dream the impossible. Let Me take you to the highest heights. Were you there when I formed the Heavens and earth? Then how can you possibly know of My unlimited power? You ask half heartedly, expecting the answer to be no. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain. Why don't you try trusting Me with the desires I put in your heart in the first place. Ask expecting answers. Ask with full faith and a connected heart. I can give, grant, move and take in the blink of an eye, but my child you are not always ready for what you ask for. The pruning must happen before the garden blooms. My plan was the Garden of Eden. And yes, yours turned out a lot different but I long to take you back there even if just day by day or through state of mind. Your heartbreak, bad days, wrong decisions and total discouragement is no match for me. Dare to poke your head out of the soil and taste and see that I am good. Explore your possibilities when you fall in love with a God breathed, God filled, abundant life. Oh the places. Take my hand and walk with me. I offer paradise in a fallen and corrupted would. You can have it once again by experiencing my presence. I offer peace that is not of this world. Take heart, I have overcome the world. Take heart!
*Matthew 17:20*       *John 14:27*        *John 16:33*
