This last week I spent a lot of time thinking about my decisions. You know, the whole live what you preach thing. I hope you thought too or at least found something to explore for a time down the road.
I think decisions and being in Gods will is so important because it literally shapes your life. This week I heard an interesting metaphor about headlines and naturally being a writer it peaked my interest. The basis of it was that editors pick headlines based on what they think people will read rather than what the article is actually about. It was then related to how we look at situations in our life and have the opportunity to make a positive headline or a negative headline out of it.
How many times do we proclaim a false headline to the world?
We only see the situation and not what God can do with it.
Out of the mouth of a sixth grader came, "don't let the circumstance steal your joy."
We have a choice about how we see things, about how we choose to make our decisions and what headlines we will publish about our situations.
The final questions from last week are as follows:
7) Is this consistent with the way God wired me?
I love this one because it is important, but sometimes we don't see it. God wires or puts each of us together uniquely and with that we are going to excel in some areas and not be suited for others. Consider your personality, strengths, talents and ask if what you're trying to do line up with these. Everyone is teachable and full of potential for new growth but there are some things God will call you specifically to and others not so much. You don't have to do it all.
I love this one because it is important, but sometimes we don't see it. God wires or puts each of us together uniquely and with that we are going to excel in some areas and not be suited for others. Consider your personality, strengths, talents and ask if what you're trying to do line up with these. Everyone is teachable and full of potential for new growth but there are some things God will call you specifically to and others not so much. You don't have to do it all.
8) Am I paying attention to the risks associated with this?
Try to see the whole, wide, big picture. It may be the greatest thing ever, but there may also be something you didn't think of. Explore and think about all the possibilities in making the decision. Better to be safe than sorry.
Try to see the whole, wide, big picture. It may be the greatest thing ever, but there may also be something you didn't think of. Explore and think about all the possibilities in making the decision. Better to be safe than sorry.
9) Do I have total peace from God about this?
This is so huge, yet so hard if you are like me. I sometimes wonder if "total peace" exists. My brain always rattles off what if's or what could happen. But I don't think it means you don't ponder, pray or have questions. I just think it means that after you have given it to God and done all these things you have to ask yourself do you feel peace at that point or are there feelings of discord you can't ignore? I always know deep in my spirit when something isn't right.
This is so huge, yet so hard if you are like me. I sometimes wonder if "total peace" exists. My brain always rattles off what if's or what could happen. But I don't think it means you don't ponder, pray or have questions. I just think it means that after you have given it to God and done all these things you have to ask yourself do you feel peace at that point or are there feelings of discord you can't ignore? I always know deep in my spirit when something isn't right.
10) Are the doors of circumstance clearly open here?
Sometimes no matter what we do certain doors just don't open. I have had and still have many doors in my life that I have worn out the knob but have yet to see them open. I've mentioned before that sometimes in life you have to turn the knob but sometimes you also have to recognize that the door is not ready to be opened. I found the perfect door...literally. It was attached to the cutest grey house with a porch swing and an oasis of a backyard. I drove by for weeks most likely getting my car on a poster at the neighborhood watch but it wasn't the right time. I couldn't afford to make the move and it only would have ruined my credit and put me in debt. Doors-they are tricky things!
Sometimes no matter what we do certain doors just don't open. I have had and still have many doors in my life that I have worn out the knob but have yet to see them open. I've mentioned before that sometimes in life you have to turn the knob but sometimes you also have to recognize that the door is not ready to be opened. I found the perfect door...literally. It was attached to the cutest grey house with a porch swing and an oasis of a backyard. I drove by for weeks most likely getting my car on a poster at the neighborhood watch but it wasn't the right time. I couldn't afford to make the move and it only would have ruined my credit and put me in debt. Doors-they are tricky things!
11) Is now the best time for this? Could waiting be better?
The house thing falls under this question too. It is a lot like the previous one. I have had to learn not to force things to happen but to wait on God's perfect timing. In the middle of it, it seems impossible but His timing is always right and perfect and the best option. Trust that and consider it in all things.
The house thing falls under this question too. It is a lot like the previous one. I have had to learn not to force things to happen but to wait on God's perfect timing. In the middle of it, it seems impossible but His timing is always right and perfect and the best option. Trust that and consider it in all things.
12) Am I willing to let God close the door?
13) Am I willing to trust God if He asks me to step forward?
These two questions honestly made me stop. So often I ask and beg and plead with God when my answer to both these questions are undecided. If I am not willing to let God close the door then I haven't really surrendered it to Him. On the other hand, I'm not sure I have always been ready or trusted what I was asking for. A "yes" or "no" to these is very telling.
13) Am I willing to trust God if He asks me to step forward?
These two questions honestly made me stop. So often I ask and beg and plead with God when my answer to both these questions are undecided. If I am not willing to let God close the door then I haven't really surrendered it to Him. On the other hand, I'm not sure I have always been ready or trusted what I was asking for. A "yes" or "no" to these is very telling.
I challenge you to consider these 13 questions when you are making a decision. I challenge you to look up; to give it to someone who knows the answer before you ask. Just make sure you ask!
Choose Wisely!
-Only Hope
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