With God: Soar

My Child, look to me always. For I have your whole world in my hands with a strength beyond measure. You keep trying to reach for the stars and you fail to realize you are already standing on Holy Ground. I will make a way where you can’t see. I will.
Your potential soars so high off the charts that you make the Devil nervous. He throws His flaming arrows of defeat and discouragement telling you that you can’t and won’t ever amount and like flipping a lever or switch your greatest strength becomes your greatest weakness. Don’t stand in your own way.
I have given you the unique gift of perspective. Many don’t realize this is in fact a gift or even bother to use it. Open your eyes and your heart to all that I am and that I can do through you and in you—immeasurably more than you could ask or think.
Being burdened as I am for my people and this world will not weaken you, but add depth to you and your mission. Your gifts and talents.
Seek me and you will find all that you desire. Let this world be washed away and let yourself cling to that sweet, sweet sound. Go forth in the name of Jesus and complete the great work I have set in you.
Before the world began or your heart beat its first, I ordained a time and place such as this. I know the uniquely wonderful plans I have for you and I will always claim victory in the end. Walk with me and together all things are possible.
Oh how I love you, My Child. Believe it fully. Embrace it wholly and love Me without abandon. Love as I have first loved you.
Touch the world around you. You only have one chance to live this life. Do it so that you may hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
In this world you will have trouble. You will mess up. You will not always win. You will fall down. You will be sad. You will have trials and tribulations. But take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD. Fly, My Child, on wings like eagles. I’ll be the  gentle wind beneath your wings. I’ll be the solid place you land. Soar all the days of your life.
